*Update* – IRFU Recommendations To Clubs On Updated Government Guidelines

The IRFU issued recommendations to clubs on August 19th to allow clubs implement measures ahead of rugby matches taking place from August 28th.
On August 18th, the Government of Ireland announced new public health measures in response to a recent surge in cases of COVID-19.
On August 20th, Sport Ireland issued further detail on the practical implications of the guidelines of sporting organisations.
The IRFU have been liaising with government stakeholders since the initial announcement and welcome this update. Our recommendations have been revised in line with this new information.
These recommendations can be viewed in full at: https://bit.ly/IRFU-2108 and https://www.irishrugby.ie/running-your-club/return-to-rugby-for-clubs/.
Summary of changes:
What does this mean for rugby matches?
- Additional information on who may be included in a ‘behind closed doors event’
- Clarity on the status of club run events
- Access for parents/guardians
What does this mean for training?
- Confirmation that a team may be split into training groups/pods of 15 people on a pitch “once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.”
- Pods of 15 must now include Coach/COVID-19 Club Compliance Officer.
Participation Programmes:
- 2 tag matches can now take place on the same pitch.
- Pitch classification is based on age-grade.
My club is based in Northern Ireland. Are we affected?
On August 20th, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed changes to the Coronavirus Health Regulations to reduce the numbers who can gather indoors and outdoors, including in domestic settings. The IRFU will issue recommendations based on these changes in due course.