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#AnswerTheCall For RWC 2023: Tag And Touch Rugby Resources For Clubs And Schools

#AnswerTheCall For RWC 2023: Tag And Touch Rugby Resources For Clubs And Schools

©INPHO/Laszlo Geczo

As the excitement builds towards RWC 2023, new resources are being rolled out for clubs and schools to introduce new players and welcome lapsed players back to rugby.

A full series of Tag Rugby and Touch Rugby training session plans have now been added to the #AnswerTheCall section of IrishRugby.ie.

#AnswerTheCall is an umbrella campaign to grow and develop the grassroots of the game around the excitement of Rugby World Cup 2023.

Click Here To See Irish Rugby’s #AnswerTheCall Hub

A suite of training, education and promotional resources will be made available across the summer and leading into the 2023/24 season.

Non-contact formats of the game are a proven and fun way to provide a positive experience through rugby to players of all ages and abilities.

IRFU National Rugby Development Manager David Keane says they’re an ideal offering to launch #AnswerTheCall resources with.

“We’ve produced 8 weeks’ worth of training session plans for both tag rugby and touch rugby,” he told IrishRugby.ie.

“Clubs can build towards big social events around Rugby World Cup 2023 or just align with the full world cup window as many schools will be doing.”

“It’s an exciting time for everyone in the game. We’ve a global event on the horizon and we know from Sport Ireland research that rugby is a sport people want to try.

We’re just looking at as many different ways as possible to encourage people to pick up a rugby ball.”

Click Here To View IRFU Tag Rugby Session Plans

Click Here To View Ireland Touch / IRFU Touch Rugby Training Session Plans

The session plans will help to understand:

  • The basics of tag rugby and touch rugby
  • Coaching to beginners
  • Coaching non-contact rugby skills for all formats of the game