Suttonians To Hold First Ever ‘Jingle Tag’ Festival

The festive season promises to be a memorable one this year as Suttonians RFC invite each and every Tag rugby team out there to join them as they stage the very first ‘Jingle Tag’ Festival on December 26.
On St. Stephen’s Day, Suttonians RFC will host their very first ‘Jingle Tag’ Festival. Teams from all over will descend upon this great Tag venue to celebrate the festive season together with games of tag rugby, a live TV game between Leinster and Ulster and all followed by a post-match party in the clubhouse.
Some details you may find useful from Andy Langford, Suttonians RFC PRO and Venue Manager.
The cost of team entry is 120 EUROs. This is due with your registration to ensure your team’s place (the tournament is limited to 16).
The team fee works out at only 10 EUROs per person. This includes entry into the competition, prizes and entry into the Aprés-Tag party in the clubhouse.
The tournament will be Open Grade and is made up of 4 pools of 4 teams (3 matches each), quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. There will be four prizes up for grabs – a Super Bowl, a Bowl, a Plate and a Cup for the overall Jingle Tag Champions 2009. Each team will have a minimum of five 15-minute matches. The first match will kick off at 12noon and the final final whistle will be tooted at 4.45pm. The finals will be under floodlights on the main pitch.
To register your team, please send an email to with your team name and the names of players on your team. You can then arrange your payment of 120 EUROs.
The event is scheduled for the 26th of December. In the case of a wash-out, the event will be re-scheduled to another date.
Remember the last night of tag in Suttonians during the summer? Apres Jingle Tag promises to be even bigger!!! Those looking to stay in the club can grab a shower and pick up a turkey burger while Leinster and Ulster do battle on the Big Screen. Players looking to drop home before the evening’s festivities can get back in time for the live entertainment line up and post-tournament party…
There will be a cover charge on the door but all players will get in for free!!!
Already there has been huge interest from Suttonains teams and further afield. We are limiting the tournament to 16 teams this year and we expect to disappoint some teams if they’re not in on time. If you want to keep up to date on the registrations and the event itself, we will be updating the tag page on and the event page on Facebook… Please book in your team and pay early to ensure we make this event a massive success!!!
Remember . . . you do not need to be a Suttonians tag team to enter this event. Entry is OPEN TO ALL no matter where you play your Tag.
Registrations for the 2010 Bud Light Tag season will go live on Thursday, January 7 at 10am online at