Age Grade: Lineout Law Changes

In line with the changes in ‘date of eligibility’ and the alignment of age bands, lifting in the lineout can now occur at Schools JCT (Under-16, January 1) and Ulster medallion.
The lifting should occur with binding or pre-binding on the shorts only.
“If Lifting occurs outside these parameters then it is an offence which is sanctioned by a free kick.” (IRB Lineout law 19.10 (f))
Referees will manage and sanction appropriately.
Rugby departments in each of the branches were requested to conduct seminars with both Schools and Youth coaches during the month of September.
The curriculum of the seminar followed the Lineout module for the Level 1 coaching course.
Please note that schools will implement the lifting in the line in competitions from October 1, 2009.
For more information on this change in our Referees and Laws page, please click here.