Webinar for all clubs on Club Support Scheme and Coach registration

As the season gets underway it is more important than ever that we provide our players, coaches and volunteers with a positive experience through rugby. One of the key ways we can do that is to ensure that all our coaches have appropriate safeguarding training relative to their role and the correct coaching accreditation.
All coaches should be then registered with their team/group. To support the coaches, clubs, and schools to ensure this takes place Irish Rugby in conjunction with the four Provinces have designed easy to use guides, regardless of what role you fulfil.
All clubs have received the latest documents regarding the Club Support Scheme (CSS), which is a programme that rewards clubs and schools for registering their coaches and players appropriately for the season.
In addition to the circulation of these documents there will be a lunchtime webinar on Wednesday, 25 September at 1pm for anyone within the club, especially those in coordinator roles, on the best way to apply the process and to ask any questions regarding all aspects of the Panelling Coaches, Registration and Implementation of the CSS.
Click here to register your interest in attending the webinar on Wednesday 25, September at 1pm.