Update On Grading At Newforge

Grade names have been amended following feedback from those playing Tag at Newforge. Read on for more details…
In time for the registration system going live online this january, we made changes to the grade names of all leagues at your venue. This was an effort to homogenise these leagues of grades/abilities with those venues in the rest of the provinces.
Since then we have had received some feedback from tag players at Newforge requesting a reversion back to the previous.
With this in mind and FOR THIS SEASON ONLY, we will revert league names back to those of 2007 and 2008.
This means that each league are of the following abilities from today onwards:
League Name – January 09
New Name for 09 Season
Mixed Social B
changing to
Mixed Social A
Mixed Social C
changing to
Mixed Social B
Mixed Social C1
changing to
Mixed Social B1
Mixed Social C2
changing to
Mixed Social B2
Mixed Social Beginners
changing to
Mixed Social C
Mixed Social Beginners 1
changing to
Mixed Social C1
Mixed Social Beginners 2
changing to
Mixed Social C2
Remember: The same teams are in the same leagues. As a team already registered, the only change that has happened is the name of your league