IRFU / IAWA Level 1 Weight Lifting Course 2009

The IRFU, in conjunction with the Irish Amateur Weightlifting Association, is offering coaches at school and club level the opportunity to complete a Level 1 Weight Lifting for Rugby Coaching Award.
The course for 2009 will start on March 15th at Institute of Technology Carlow’s elite performance centre.
The aim of the course is to help coaches gain the confidence and competence to prepare the players in their charge in a safe and enjoyable manner for the game of Rugby in the area of weight-lifting.
The course will also provide coaches with the ability to introduce participants to weight lifting for rugby in a safe and progressive way. It will also prepare coaches to develop an all-round functional competence in participants on which to base future development. The course is accredited by Coaching Ireland.
Martin Zawieja – Olympic Weight Lifting Medalist and German Weightlifting Development Coach.
Dr. Liam Hennessy – Director of Fitness I.R.F.U.
Des Ryan – Fitness Education Manager I.R.F.U.
Colin Buckley – National Coaching Development Officer for the Irish Amateur Weightlifting Association. Certified I.R.F.U. conditioning coach.
IRFU/IAWLA Level 1 Course dates are as follows (all 3 dates must be attended):
Sunday – March 15th, 2009
Saturday & Sunday – April 18th & 19th, 2009
Friday – July 10th, 2009
Institute of Technology Carlow (Elite performance centre).
Closing Date:
February 27th 2009
Cost: 250 euro
Please contact Niamh Nash to register for a place on the course or tel: +353 (1) 6473835).