November International Series 2021 – Ireland Ticket FAQ

The following information is to assist supporters who may wish to attend any of Ireland’s games at the Aviva Stadium this November:
How can I get tickets?
Tickets will be firstly distributed via the clubs and schools. Any tickets returned from the clubs will go on sale to Irish Rugby Supporters Club Members and then on general sale via
Please check and our social channels for updates.
Will capacity increase beyond 75%?
We are expecting an update from government on 22nd October on the further easing of Covid 19 restrictions. We hope to increase capacity in line with their decisions at that time.
How do I know if I can attend?
Only a person who has immunity -i.e.- can show that they are fully vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19 within the previous six months, or an accompanied minor (U-18) can attend the game.
In line with government advice in relation to the accessing of hospitality settings, patrons must possess and be able to provide:
1. Republic of Ireland: EU Digital COVID Certificate (DCC) or the HSE Vaccination Card or a valid certificate of recovery.
2. Northern Ireland and non-EU members states: proof of immunity via COVID-19 Certificates (e.g. HSCNI Vaccination Card card) that have been issued by non-EU states or a valid certificate of recovery.
Such certificates should contain:
• confirmation that the person has been vaccinated
• the date or dates on which the person was vaccinated
• the state body which either delivered the vaccination programme or is authorised to issue the certificate
Where a certificate is not in English, a translated version may be accepted.
You may also be asked for photo ID to prove that the EU Digital COVID Certificate, HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Card or other proof of immunity is yours.
Is it fair that only immune people can attend?
The IRFU decision to require supporters to be fully vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19 (accompanied minors excluded) is in keeping with current government guidelines and based on the huge success of the national vaccination programme. Ninety per cent of people over 16 are fully vaccinated, and this is likely to continue to increase in the coming weeks.
While we accept that a small number of people may be discommoded by this decision it is in line with government guidelines across many sectors, including hospitality and travel.
We are keen to allow as many rugby fans as possible support the Irish team. This will generate the unique Aviva Stadium atmosphere and help deliver the badly needed gate receipts that Irish Rugby needs to finance the entire game.
Irish Rugby has followed government guidelines throughout this pandemic and will continue to do so.
What special Covid-19 provisions will apply for this match?
It is the responsibility of all ticket holders entering the Aviva Stadium to comply with all government measures and guidance and with any policies and protocols laid down by the IRFU or the stadium authorities.
In accordance with current guidelines, only ticket holders who are Immune/have Immunity (i.e., fully vaccinated against or recovered from Covid-19 within the previous six months or accompanied minors (U-18)) are permitted access to the stadium with 75% capacity.
Proof of immunity and identity must be provided if requested and entry to the Stadium will be refused to any ticket holder who is unable or unwilling to show that he or she is ‘immune’.
For further information on this please refer back to the answer to ‘How do I know if I can attend?
In accordance with guidelines, save when eating and drinking, face masks should be always worn within the stadium, and use of the official Covid Tracker App is recommended.
In presenting a ticket to gain access to the stadium, the ticket holder warrants that he or she is immune.
The above special Covid 19 provisions form part of the ticket terms and conditions for these games.