IRFU Open Fitness Seminar

Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, one of the world’s leading authorities on strength and and power development, will give a keynote address at the forthcoming IRFU/Setanta College Open Fitness Seminar.
Setanta College, in conjunction with the IRFU, are delighted to announce that Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, arguably the world authority on strength and power development in world sport, will be in Ireland on Saturday, November 14.
He will present the latest research and his interpretations on developing strength and power. Dietmar is Professor of Sports Science at the University of Frankfurt in Germany. He travels the world advising and consulting with many sport organisations.
For those of you who are unaware of his vast contribution to the area of Strength and Power in Sport, he was the original author and researcher on Complex and Contrast training and many more important findings and studies on ‘Speed-Strength’. Do not miss this opportunity to meet with him in this one day seminar.
Strongman Practical Presentation: James Fennelly, Ireland’s strongest man will present on Strongman training on November 14 at the same venue as Dietmar.
This is a must for all Strength and Conditioning coaches and trainers who are interested in this rejuvenated method of strength training.
We have placed James on the same day as Dietmar so as to have two varied but excellent presentations on the area of Strength.
Date – Saturday, November 14
Time – 10am to 4pm
Venue – Malahide Rugby Club (Dublin)
Malahide Rugby Football Club
follow link for map –
Cost – 70 euro (Lunch Provided)
Section 1 – Speed-Strength
Chairperson – Phillip Morrow
10.00am – Dietmar Schmidtbleicher Introduction (Phillip Morrow)
10.15am – Planning speed-strength, Monitoring speed-strength & Ergogenic aids
Part 1
11.30am – Break (Tea & Coffee)
12.00pm – Planning speed-strength, Monitoring speed-strength & Ergogenic aids
Part 2
1.00pm – Lunch
Section 2 – Strongman Training
Chairperson – Kevin Craddock
2.00pm – James Fennelly Introduction (Kevin Craddock)
2.15pm – Strongman Training theory
2.45pm – Strongman Training Practical
4.00pm – Depart
If you are interested please send your name, club/school, phone number and email to Niamh Nash before Wednesday, November 11. If you have any questions, please call Niamh on tel: 01 6473835.