250 Paul O’Connells On The Loose!

As part of the Guinness 250 celebrations, a total of two hundred and fifty Paul O’Connell fans converged on Dublin on Thursday in an attempt to recreate the now legendary ‘Did you put the fear of God into anyone?’ speech.
Paul O’Connell first uttered those immortal words, ‘did you put the fear of God into anyone?’, in the Ireland dressing room prior to the team’s first ever outing at Croke Park against France in 2007.
Today, 250 ‘Paul O’Connell’ lookalikes caught onlookers by surprise as they assembled in Dublin city centre and starting chanting the renowned words.
Guinness Brand Manager Stuart Kinch said: “Guinness is celebrating 250 remarkable years since Arthur Guinness first signed the lease on St. James’s Gate in 1759.
“As a proud sponsor of Irish rugby, we wanted to do something remarkable, and you really don’t get a sight any more remarkable than 250 Paul O’Connells!”
As IrishRugby.ie continues the build-up to Saturday’s crunch clash with England, we got the pre-match thoughts of Declan Kidney and his players:
Paddy Wallace (Irish Rugby TV)
Jerry Flannery (Irish Rugby TV)