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International Ticket Information 2003/2004

International Ticket Information 2003/2004

Tickets for matches in Lansdowne Road will be distributed through the rugby clubs of Ireland, the visiting Union will also receive an allocation which they will distribute through their own clubs.

Six Nations 2004

Tickets for matches in Lansdowne Road will be distributed through the rugby clubs of Ireland, the Visiting Union will also receive an allocation which they will distribute through their own clubs. Tickets for the Irish away games will be distributed by the I.R.F.U. to the provincial branches who will distribute them through the rugby clubs. You must be a member of a rugby club in order to purchase tickets from them.

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A small number of tickets have been returned from the Italian Federation for the Ireland v Italy game on 20th March at Lansdowne Road. These tickets will go on sale on www.irishrugby.ie on Monday 26th January, 2004 at 8.00 o’clock.


Six Nations Games – Lansdowne Road
Top Price Stand 70
Second Price Stand 60
Uncovered Stand 50
Touchline 55
Goalline 50
East Terrace 30
North & South Terrace 25
Schoolboygirls 7