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IRFU Coaching Courses Well Received

IRFU Coaching Courses Well Received

“A fantastic experience with some great coaches and tutors” – this quote sums up the feedback from the coaches who participated in the IRFU National Stage 4 coaching courses held last month.

The Johnstown House Hotel was once again the superb venue for these courses, held over three consecutive weekends – Stage 4 Head Coach (Level 2), August 6-8 & August 13-15, and Stage 4 Assistant Coach, August 21-22.

Assistant Coach CourseWith 70 coaches in total attending, from all parts of the country, there was a productive mixture of debate and discussion around all aspects of the game.

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The pleasant weather ensured lively interaction between the coaches during the practical modules on the course.

A high calibre of both external and IRFU staff tutors was again in evidence, with presentations by:

Reggie Corrigan, Stephen Aboud, Franco Ascione (FIR), Nigel Carolan, Colin McEntee, Justin Fitzpatrick, Allen Clarke, Keith Murphy, Jimmy Duffy, Des Ryan, Les Kiss, Ian Costello, Derek Dowling, Wayne Mitchell, Steve McIvor, Niall Malone, Kieran Campbell, Peter Smyth and Richie Murphy.

All of the coaches who attended these two courses now have the opportunity to pursue the associated accreditation and there has already been a significant uptake in this regard, with many coaches recognising the benefit to their own professional development in achieving a formal IRFU coaching qualification.

For more information on the IRFU Coaching Pathway, please visit www.irishrugby.ie/coaching.